Nordic Knots and Giancarlo Valle Cocreate New Rug Collection

Mutual admiration inspired Scandinavian rug producer Nordic Knots and zeitgeisty New York–based interior designer Giancarlo Valle to cocreate a new collection. Valle interprets the Swedish rug-making tradition through a Latin American lens, drawing on his upbringing surrounded by colorful, patterned homes replete with hand-painted furniture. The rugs’ hues are rich and deep while the motifs—Loop, Buds, and All Hands—derive from sketches Valle noodled on in the studio. He connects both regions’ folklore traditions by photographing the rugs in 16th-century farmhouses in Hälsingland, known for incredible heritage-listed decorations such as murals painted in the 1840’s.

Giancarlo Valle.
Giancarlo Valle.
The All Hands rug with carved hand-shapes in a brown fabric
All Hands.
the Buds rug with plant-like shapes indented on an orange fabric
the Loop rug in green with white trim
the Loop rug in yellow with white trim

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